Thursday, January 23, 2014


Manhattan is a hot spot for AC facade. Even the new buildings integrate outdoor units into their facade design. Older buildings retain the ad hoc "hung outside solution.

51. I guess LC did not plan for AC

We had the opportunity to visit Chandigarh, the city in India so famously planned by Le corbusier, the great 20th century architect. Part of our itinerary was to check out some of his iconic buildings such as the secretariat building and assembly building. We found that over the last 50 odd years, the users of his buildings have adapted it to their needs and are now using the brise soliel facade as support for air con outdoor condensers. A bit of irony as the facade designed to naturally cool the building has become an integral part of an ad hoc air conditioning system.

50. The Omani Cases

We recently travelled to muscat, oman and we noticed that outdoor units on this historical city were clad in covers which had Islamic inspired patterns on them.